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Interview with Cuphead Composer, Kris Maddigan

Sam Hughes speaks with Cuphead Composer, Kristofer Maddigan! They discuss his career so far, writing music for Cuphead as his debut video game soundtrack and more!

Kristofer is a percussionist, drummer and composer based in Toronto, Canada. A member of the National Ballet of Canada Orchestra since 2010, Kris also performs regularly with a wide range of groups including The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Hannaford Street Silver Band, The Canadian Opera Company, The Toronto Concert Orchestra, The Thunder-Bay Symphony, A Fantastica Batteria, and the Devah Quartet. Kris also works with numerous jazz, theatre and new music groups around the city.

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Kris Maddigan



Kris Maddigan

Cuphead (Studio MDHR)



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Sam Hughes
Sound designer, voice actor, musician and beyond who just has a big passion for conversations, knowledge sharing, connecting people and bringing some positivity into the world.

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