We had the pleasure of speaking with the amazingly multi-talented Fryda Wolff. Fryda has worked in the games industry in various positions and has possibly one of the most unique beginnings on her path to becoming a voice artist, which is now her full-time profession. We discuss how Frydas journey began and gain an insight on how you might proceed through the ranks. Listen below!
Part 1: Fryda on her Video-Game Career
In Part 1 Fryda Discusses how she progressed through the video-game industry through customer service, sound design all the way up to her current role as Voice Artist. To gain a great insight into how you can work your way up be sure to listen to this!
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 1
Part 2: Why Fryda Moved into Voice Acting
In part 2: The Sound Architect speaks to Fryda Wolff and discusses how and why Fryda made the transition from sound designer for games to voice actor. Short and sweet, but don’t worry part 3 is coming next week!
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 2
Part 3: Fryda’s Favourite Part About Voice Acting
In part 3: The Sound Architect speaks to Fryda Wolff, who talks about her favourite part of voice acting. Part 4 is coming soon!
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 3
Part 4: Fryda’s Advice On How To Become A Better Voice Actor
In part 4: The Sound Architect speaks with Fryda Wolff about techniques you can use to become a better voice actor. Part 5 is coming soon!
Part 5: Fryda’s Work and Advice on Show Reels
In part 5: The Sound Architect speaks with Fryda Wolff about what she’s been working on and how to tailor your voice reels.
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 5
Part 6: Fryda’s Idols and Advice on being Professional in the Studio
In part 6: The Sound Architect speaks with Fryda Wolff about who her idols are and how to be a professional voice artist when it comes to working in the studio.
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 6
Part 7: Fryda’s Top Tips for Sound Designers and Voice Artists
In part 7: Fryda tells us her top tips for aspiring sound designers and voice artists, definitely worth listening to these details to help you on your way!
Any problems with the player here’s the direct link: Interview with Fryda Wolff Part 7 (FINAL PART)
We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview as much as we did and that it helps anyone who listens and inspires them on their journey towards their goals!
The Sound Architect
Any comments or queries? Then use the comment box below or Contact Us.
I find Fryda’s comments interesting and of course I have others. Briefly, simply being yourself is something you need not necessarily be stuck with. I’ve excelled in teaching others how to instantly expand their repertoire with pitch, texture, accents and ACTING, more than most any coach, but that said, we all know games need actors who can multi-voice because there are too few lines per part to make it affordable to hire one actor per part.
Also, celebs are not the best voice actors. Acting on screen is totally different than voice acting. On screen you’re taught not to use wild facial or body gestures as it would appear fake and awkward (except for Jim Carrey). You are also told not to pay much attention to words and throw away punctuation marks. Opposite for games. We have to vocally stress the parts of the mission, while doing emotes that not even cartoons can match…and use overly exaggerated gestures to add the animation into a character which is not otherwise animated by Pixar or Disney.
I direct, cast, and act primarily in games, but of course also do commercials, and other VO work. It starts out with a good script. then a good director and ensemble recording is not necessarily great if you have a great director. But again life goes on, so I shall not at this juncture but wish everyone the greatest holiday and continued success in all your endeavors.