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Home > Alyx Jones > FREE Everbody’s Gone to the Rapture Concert in Peterborough

FREE Everbody’s Gone to the Rapture Concert in Peterborough

With the continued rise of video games music, and the dedicated listeners, comes another awesome project, bringing the music from Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture to the Kingsgate Conference Centre in Peterborough. This concert is totally free for attendees! Britten Sinfonia pair up with some of Peterborough’s young musicians in a unique mentoring project inspired by the world of video games. The BAFTA Award-winning score for the game Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, composed by Jessica Curry, will be performed live in its entirety for the first time. Singers and instrumentalists from secondary schools in Peterborough and Northampton will rehearse and perform the work side-by-side with musicians from Britten Sinfonia and singers from Britten Sinfonia Voices at the KingsGate Conference Centre, Peterborough.

The concert will take place on Tuesday November the 6th at 7.30pm at the KingsGate Conference Centre in Peterborough, with a performance time of approximately 70 minutes.

It’s important to say, there are a lot of lyrics in the music, and a lot of the themes are actually songs – there is a choir and a soloist telling the story through the lyrics. Dan really wanted the story to make sense to someone even if the game was taken away, so it’s really exciting for me, too, being able to tell the story in a different way. I think it’s going to be a really lovely concert – but then I am biased! – Jessica Curry

Read the full interview with composer Jessica Curry about the project here.

To book tickets or for more information please contact Kirsten Goldthorp at the Peterborough Music Hub:

There is also a Facebook Event to join if you have any questions!

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Alyx Jones
As Head Writer for The Sound Architect, Alyx is responsible for game audio reviews and event coverage. She is also founder of Silver Script Games, as well as having an extensive background in game audio, having worked on titles such as Elden Ring, Final Fantasy VII and Borderlands 3. You can always spot her flash of pink hair!

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