Our friends over at The VoiceOver Network have a fantastic video game event coming up and a special discount for you. The event is GET YOUR GAME ON 2017. This is an event that is focused on the audio and voice acting area of video games.
The Date is 28th April and it’s a full day event in London comprising of:
The headline speaker is Dave Fennoy, who is flying over from LA to be part of this event. We will also have Mark Estdale from OMUK, Adele Cutting from Soundcuts, Yvonne Morley who is a top vocal coach, Rob Yescombe and other industry leaders.
The aim of the event is to bringing producers, game developers, casting directors, audio designers and voice actors together.
In the afternoon, everyone will break into smaller groups for workshops. These will be about performing in games as well as script writing, directing, how to protect voice actors voices, emotes and more. So, whether you are a voice actor or a developer or producer there will be something for everyone.
After the talks, there will be a chance to have a few drinks, some food and network.
As well as the amazing speakers, brilliant workshops, networking opportunities and drinks we will also be running a GAME JAM!
There is going to be a very special Game Jam as part of this event. The Game Jam will be for Game developers and voice actors to come together to create a game from scratch over 48 hours. This will happen the weekend before the event and the games will be presented at GET YOUR GAME ON 2017 and the winner will be announced. Details of how to enter the Game Jam are here:
This is an optional extra.
All food and drinks are included in your ticket.
The VoiceOver Network is a membership organisation for voiceover professionals. They are about helping, supporting and strengthening the voiceover industry.
Here is the video from last year’s GET YOUR GAME ON 2016
They will be promoting how to protect voice actors voices during this event too.
Date – Friday 28th April
Venue – Runway East, London
Time – 9am till 7pm
Price – £79 general ticket, £49 for members of The VoiceOver Network and the super special price of £49 for you. But be quick these tickets are going to sell out in the next day or so.
More details can be found here – GET YOUR GAME ON 2017
There are a limited amount of tickets available for this event so if you’d like a ticket be quick and use this link to book your discounted ticket – https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HZJ3M48VGHK2G
The hashtag for this event is #GameOnVOND17
Check out more over at The Voiceover Network!