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Interview with Alastair Lindsay, Music Production Manager – Creative Services Group WWSE at SCEE.

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Alastair Lindsay
Alastair Lindsay


The Sound Architect recently spoke to Alastair Lindsay, Music Production Manager – Creative Services Group WWSE at SCEE.

Alastair is mainly a composer, who has also worked in most areas of audio including dialogue recording and sound design.

As Music Production Manager of Creative Services Group, Alastair works with composers in the group, sources other composers and works collaboratively with the team to create fantastic games.

Two of their recent successes are Wonderbook: Book of Spells and Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler. Alastair himself has lent his talents to many successful projects over the years including The Getaway on PlayStation 2. 

We speak to Alastair about his career path, composing music, sourcing composers and advice for aspiring composers. 

Read it here: Interview with Alastair Lindsay


The Sound Architect

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Sam Hughes
Sound designer, voice actor, musician and beyond who just has a big passion for conversations, knowledge sharing, connecting people and bringing some positivity into the world.

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