3 days on the beach, tonnes of amazing talks on various different disciplines of game design, from art to programming, and our very favourite: audio. To make things even better, we’ve been lucky to interview the charismatic Scott Gershin about his time as a sound designer, working on films and games.
Scott has worked on over 100 films and received 26 industry nominations, including a BAFTA Award nomination, for his work on American Beauty, Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim, and Dan Gilroy’s Nightcrawler. He has created the sound for blockbuster gaming titles such as Resident Evil, Gears of War, and Fable, and more recently helped out on id Software’s Doom.
Check out our full interview below with Scott, at Develop: Brighton 2019, ahead of his talk on the audio track, on Thursday:
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The Sound Architect