MAGIX announced the release of the latest update to SOUND FORGE Audio Studio earlier this week!
Released on 7th August, Version 12 takes SOUND FORGE Audio Studio to “a whole new level supplying everything you need to record, edit, enhance, and deliver high-resolution audio”. SOUND FORGE Audio Studio is a great tool to digitize, repair, and restore LP records and tapes, create podcasts, master audio, burn CDs, and render to all the popular audio formats for streaming on the web or playback on portable media players.
Packed with new features, the new version of SOUND FORGE Audio Studio presents a new look, new functionality, new edit modes, new plug-ins, new meters, and more including the following:
Built on a 64-bit platform to supply more editing power, more processing power, and a more powerful workflow.
Recording workflow
The updated and redesigned recording window offers easy access to all the settings and controls you need to achieve the perfect high-resolution recording.
Open and append command
An easy and fast way to assemble tracks for a CD. Select a file or group of files to append and they are automatically added to the project with CD track markers.
Non-destructive editing modes
- Slice Edit: Enables you to continue to tweak your edit even after you’ve made your cut.
- Soft Cut: Creates automatic, user-adjustable crossfades with each edit to guarantee smooth transitions between cuts with no pops or clicks.
Spectral cleaning
Perform frequency-based noise removal. Visually identify frequencies of an offending noise such as a chair squeak or cough in your recording, then use the spectral cleaning tool to select and remove the frequencies that make up those sounds.
Vinyl recording and restoration workflow
The new workflow makes it easy to record vinyl LPs and tapes, remove crackle, pops, and hiss and burn to an audio CD or burn a set of audio files to a data CD or DVD in popular formats such as MP3, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or AAC.
Visualization window
Presents several ways to analyze and track audio output including Peak meters, Phase Oscilloscope, Correlation meter, Direction meter, Spectroscope, Spectrogram, Bit meter, Oscilloscope, and Tuner.
Includes Ozone Elements 7 from iZotope at $129.00 value
A mastering plug-in with a set of 75 professionally crafted presets, along with macro controls to fine tune the EQ and Compression to achieve full, rich, and loud final masters.
Repair and restoration tools
- DeClicker/DeCrackler: Automatically detect and remove clicks and crackle from vinyl recordings or other noisy environments.
- DeClipper: Restore and recover analog o rdigital material with clipping artifacts.
- DeEsser: Remove sibilance with presets for male and female vocals.
- DeHisser: Easily clean up background hiss with presets for hiss behind vocals, cassette tape hiss, analog tape hiss, and more.
- DeNoiser: Reduces unwanted steady-state noise like that created by air-conditioning, equipment hum, and amplifier hiss.
Elastic Audio Editor
Tune vocals to a pitch-perfect performance with precise control over pitch.
Support for popular video formats
Open popular video formats to enhance and repair the audio using the included filters, effects, and noise reduction tools.
“Throughout the development cycle of this new version of SOUND FORGE Audio Studio, the engineering team has kept their focus on the phrase ‘Define the edge‘”, said Gary Rebholz from SOUND FORGE. “Our goal: take the existing audio production powerhouse to the next level with cutting-edge tools and processes. We think you’re going to love Sound Forge Audio Studio 12.”
SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 is now available online and in stores worldwide.
SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 – $59.99
Upgrades from earlier versions – $29.99
Have you used SOUND FORGE before? Looking forward to 12?
Let us know!