Sound Forge Pro 12 Review

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Review by Katie Tarrant Developer: MAGIX INTRODUCTION Sound Forge Pro 12 is an audio waveform editor originally developed by Sony, but was acquired by MAGIX in 2016. Since its acquisition, MAGIX have now released the biggest update to Sound Forge Pro in over 25 years ago. As suggested by the name, Sound Forge

Thor: Ragnarok Film Sound Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Edited by Sam Hughes Directed by: Taika Waititi Composer: Mark Mothersbaugh Sound Design: Skywalker Sound Long awaited, Thor: Ragnarok is the third instalment in Marvel’s Thor series, and for me has been one of the best Marvel movies so far. Directed by Taika Waititi, Ragnarok is action-packed, visually stunning, well-structured, and downright

Outlast 2 – Game Audio Review

Article by Derek Brown Edited by Katie Tarrant Developer: Red Barrels Composer: Samuel Laflamme Sound Designer: Francis Brus Reviewed on: Steam First things first, I’m a bubble blowin’ baby. Horror games and I have had a rocky relationship to say the least. I’m a jumpy, shouty creature and they tend to poke me in all the

Persona 5 Audio Review

Review by Katelyn Isaacson Edited by Sam Hughes Developer: Atlus Composer: Shoji Meguro Lead Sound Designer: Kenichi Tsuchiya Reviewed on: Playstation 4 The Persona series has somehow consistently managed to merge dating sim elements, a turn-based battle system involving collecting creatures à la Pokemon, and a long and arching RPG plot line while still delivering a

Mass Effect: Andromeda – Game Audio Review


Article by Doug Waters Edited by Katie Tarrant Reviewed on: PlayStation 4 Developer: Bioware Publisher: Electronic Arts Composer: John Paesano Audio Directors: Michael Kent, Jeremie Voillot As I’m sitting here, prepared to type, I’m struggling to come up with an introduction that will do the Mass Effect trilogy justice. Never has a game series affected me

The VoiceOver Network: Get Your Game On 2017

Introduction On Friday 28th April, for the second year running, The VoiceOver Network conducted their Get Your Game On event; an opportunity for voice actors, developers, producers, audio designers and much more to get together and mutually appreciate the art of voice over. Founded by Rachael Naylor, The VoiceOver Network is the

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Audio Review

Review by Willy McCarter Edited by Katie Tarrant Developer/Publisher: Nintendo Composers: Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata Sound Director: Hajime Wakai Reviewed on: Nintendo Switch Introduction Well, the time has finally come! The dawn of a new generation of gaming consoles is upon us and of course Nintendo naturally like to break into every new

Soul Axiom Game Audio Review

Review by Katie Tarrant Edited by Sam Hughes Developer: Wales Interactive Composer: Gareth Lumb Reviewed on: PC Soul Axiom is a first person adventure puzzle game developed by Wales Interactive. The game centers around the cyber-world of Elysia, with your character lost in a Tron-esque afterlife in which they must solve the mystery of both their previous and